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2 Companies found that match your criteria.
Sellers, Exporters, Manufacturers of pizza cone oven
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Logo Company - Description
No LogoHusmak
Husna initiated its activity with aim to serve restaurants in the year 1991. The Company started its activity with sales of Grills and barbecue machines. Husna gained prestige with times and the customers attention with fine quality, instant service ...
We are regularly Selling: pizza cone oven, pizza cone machines, meat machines, pizza cone moulder, chiken rotary machines, kebap grill and slicer, coffe espresso, hamburger machines, skewers.

Member since 27 April, 2011, Turkey - Istanbul
Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer, Distributor / Wholesaler
Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads
Products: 1 Product on sale by Husmak
Husmak: Seller of: pizza cone machines, pizza cone ovens, pizza cono cono pizza pizza kono pizza kone, pizza ovens gas ovens bakery ovens pizza commercial ovens, grill kebab grill gas grill barbecue dough mixer, dough kneader orange juicer salamander, ice cream machines beverage dispenser meat mixer, meat mincer steam cooker rotisserie grill machine, commercial kitchen equipments fast foods food packaging machine.Husmak
Our factory located in city Istanbul. We are manufacturer of restaurant equipments (food processing equipments)
We are regularly Selling: pizza cone machines, pizza cone ovens, pizza cono cono pizza pizza kono pizza kone, pizza ovens gas ovens bakery ovens pizza commercial ovens, grill kebab grill gas grill barbecue dough mixer, dough kneader orange juicer salamander, ice cream machines beverage dispenser meat mixer, meat mincer steam cooker rotisserie grill machine, commercial kitchen equipments fast foods food packaging machine.

Member since 18 July, 2015, Turkey - Istanbul
Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer
Buy & Sell Offers: 2 Trade Leads posted by Husmak
Products: 0 - No Current Products
Related Site Sections:
pizza cone machines
dough kneader orange juicer salamander
pizza ovens gas ovens bakery ovens pizza commercial ovens
pizza cone ovens
coffe espresso
chiken rotary machines
meat machines
commercial kitchen equipments fast foods food packaging machine
ice cream machines beverage dispenser meat mixer
grill kebab grill gas grill barbecue dough mixer
pizza cono cono pizza pizza kono pizza kone
hamburger machines
kebap grill and slicer
pizza cone moulder
pizza cone oven
meat mincer steam cooker rotisserie grill machine
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