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Company - Description |
| Opsicol (Pty) Ltd Direct Business Opportunity from Coal Mine, We are running Coal Mine based on Middleburg/Mpumalanga, South Africa
Opsicol (Pty) is part of Umthombo Recources (Pty) Ltd which is currently open cast mining in Middleburg/Mpumalanga. We are regularly Selling: coal, a grade coal, peas coal, large nuts coal, small nuts coal, washed coal, rom coal, export coal, coal fine. Member since 25 June, 2010, South Africa - Mpumalanga | | | No Logo | Scovel Resources Inc Ghost intermediary. I find the source and you deal with the buyer. No Games, no daisey chains. We are regularly Selling: coal, iron ore, gold, sulphur, coal fines, iron ore fines, coal mines usa. Member since 6 January, 2011, US - Utah | Primary Business Type(s): Trading Company, Agent Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Maa Ambey Traders My company is a trading company. We are regularly Selling: iron ore, iron ore fines, steam coal, coal fines, water salag, hard coke, coke fines. Member since 4 August, 2010, India - Jharkhand | Primary Business Type(s): Trading Company Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Udaka We sell & distribute coal slurry from the Witbank area in Mpumalanga, South Africa We are regularly Selling: coal slurry, coal fines. Member since 28 May, 2013, South Africa - Gauteng | Primary Business Type(s): Distributor / Wholesaler Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
| | No Logo | Ansgive Investments Pvt Ltd Coal Suppliers -
Ansgive investments Pvt Ltd is dedicated to
meeting your coal requirements. We are regularly Selling: coal peas, coke breeze bricks, coal nuts, coal fines. Member since 23 November, 2010, Zimbabwe - Bulawayo | | | No Logo | CoalBrick Mine The company mines coal in the hwange Deka Valley. The coal is crushed and screened into peas, nuts, cobbles and fines. some coal is sold directly for thermal applications but some is processed into char and coke using ovens on site. We are regularly Selling: coal peas, coal fines, coal cobbles, coal nuts, coal char, coke, coal pigment. Member since 25 September, 2011, Zimbabwe - Harare | Primary Business Type(s): Manufacturer Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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