The company is searching for suppliers of branded designers fashion clothes for man and woman, accesories, handbags, jewelry and luxury products.
We are mostly inrterested in luxury fashion brands like: Prada, Miu Miu, Cavalli, Moschino, Vuitton, Chloe, Gucci, Burberry, Galliano, Armani, GFF, D&G, IceBerg, Valentino, Versace, Escada, Schumacher, Swarovski
We are also interested in brands like Tommy Hilfiger, Ralph Lauren, PoloSport and Lacoste.
We are looking for a fair supliers only with genuine products, 100 % originals.
Please let me know if You are interested in any cooperation.
Best Regards
Bartlomiej Dąbrowski
We are regularly Buying: branded, fashion, designers, clothing, accesories, handbags, aparell. |