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![Luo & Jia Associates: Seller of: trademark, patent, copyright, intellectual property, invention, legal practice, utility model, litigation, validation. Buyer of: trademark, patent, copyright, intellectual property, invention, legal practice, utility model, litigation, validation.](https://media.tradeholding.com/logos/hash42/206890.jpg) | Luo & Jia Associates Luo & Jia Associates is an intellectual property firm operating by a group of professional experts who specialized in the field of intellectual property. We are focusing on how to protect the clients' intellectual property rights. Our Servic... We are regularly Buying: trademark, patent, copyright, intellectual property, invention, legal practice, utility model, litigation, validation. Member since 12 September, 2007, China - Guangdong | | | No Logo | S. A. Umar & Associates The company was registred in 2003 to carry out general legal practice. In futherance of which the company have engage in the services of investment and propety consultancy. Buying and selling of shares, legal materials, fertilizer, cars, buses, comp... We are regularly Buying: lands, buildings, moveable properties, shares, law books and materials, geneal legal practice, arbitration, investment consultancy, cars. Member since 7 May, 2009, Nigeria - Lagos | Primary Business Type(s): Agent Buy & Sell Offers: 0 - No Current Trade Leads Products: 0 - No Current Products | |
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